Tuesday 11 March 2008

The route home ...

Quick note on eve of departure. We suddenly discovered last night that all the airports in India have gone on strike as of midnight last night. We understand that so far, flights in the major cities, including Calcutta where we are, are continuing. We'll find out for sure tonight (Wednesday, March 12) just before midnight, when our flight is scheduled to depart (11:50 p.m.!). Our arrival is scheduled for Thursday at noon Vancouver time. Here's hoping ...

ALSO ... the blog on Uttar Pradesh, part 1 has been updated. Have a look at the revision. One photo has been added near the end, which you might enjoy. Uttar Pradesh, part 2 will have to wait till we're back home. It's all about Varanasi (Benares) and has some of our favourite photos of the trip!

Love to all,
Surrinder and Shamir

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