Thursday 28 February 2008

Ajmer, Rajasthan

We have been so deprived of fresh salads that we needed to go and buy some veggies and fruits behind our hotel. A photo of a typical produce vendor is attached. Sweet green peas, white radish (mooli), cucumbers, tomatoes, papaya. Surrinder was in heaven.

Ajmer was small enough for us to walk pretty well everywhere. We had a great rooftop garden at our hotel, and we could watch daily life take place action on the street below. We found a wonderful sweets and snacks shop not far away. The proprietor was somehow very warm, treating us as friends or family. He insisted we try a drink, which turned out to be hot milk with sweet spices, saffron, and the like. See the attached photo. We went back the next couple of days, and tasted more of his wonderful wares. The last day, he invited us to eat at his home, but we were unfortunately about to go off to Delhi by train.

Ajmer was our only stop in Rajasthan, and is off the usual tourist route. Its main “tourist attraction” is the tomb of a Muslim “saint.” We walked our way up a hillside, not quite knowing where we were going. It felt as if we walked back through a couple of centuries and into the Middle East … A couple of photos attached. Quite magical, actually.

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