Thursday 28 February 2008


As mentioned in an earlier blog, Delhi is where some of our travel caught up with us. We needed to rest, regroup, recover from a little stomach upset and the like. Finally, that left us with only a day of real sightseeing. We took a guided tour, mostly of New Delhi. It’s unfortunate we didn’t see Old Delhi, since it is fascinating. But maybe in the future …

Delhi is a surprising juxtapostion of old and new architecture. The new Bahai prayer place – the Lotus Temple – was a highlight. It is shaped like a lotus, with wonderful pools and gardens around it. Very simple, very serene. They encourage people of all faiths to worship there in silence. A welcome breath of inclusion and tolerance. A photo of it in silhouette is attached.

Among the usual tourist highlights is the Qutb Minar. For now, we’ll just say there are a couple of photos attached showing some of the complex which surrounds it. For what it’s worth, we passed as “Indians” for entry – much cheaper. But then, so did an African who was in the tour group with us. Don’t know if we’ll manage at the Taj Mahal …

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