Thursday 28 February 2008

Chiheru - Punjab

Surrinder talking (Shamir typing!) – I really didn’t know what to expect from Chiheru village, where I was born. I left at the age of 7. From the moment I spoke to Chacha (Uncle) Mohnie on the phone, I felt such warmth and love that it was clear we would not be intruding. Chacha said there were 4 places we could stay, and he meant it. This is despite the fact that there are no hotels or restaurants in the village. People had expected us to take a taxi from Phagwara, which is a nearby major train stop. We surprised them by asking and asking, till we found the small local train, and then simply walked up to the village! All we had to do was ask for the home of “Mohnie the Canadian!”

The afternoon we arrived, there was a colourful celebration going on. I’m still not sure exactly what it was about, but Chacha made sure we were introduced formally, and were involved in the celebration. It took place near the huge tree that I remember from my childhood. We learned that it is actually hundreds of years old! This is the tree I remember climbing, hanging upside down from, and getting my dresses caught in! A couple of photos are attached.

Chacha and Chachi (Auntie) Malkit Kaur have a deluxe home, complete with modern appliances, so our stay there was very comfortable. I did not recognize the haveli (loosely translated as courtyard) built by my Dad in the 50’s, when we walked by it the first day. This really is a very special place, because my Dad built it and really loved it. He spent 7.5 happy years in Chiheru with friends and family, mostly at the haveli. He would probably not have left, but he ran out of money! This was partly because of all the generosity he displayed to others, as was repeated by many people throughout our visit.

I have a huge extended family!! They were all so welcoming, it’s difficult to put into words the connection we felt. It was like my parents were there, introducing us around the village. The words that come to mind are warmth, love, affection …

One of the warmest was Santokh Singh Bul, known to all as Tokhi. He is a retired soldier and seaman who took us under his wing. We mutually grew to appreciate his humour and his clear knowledge and love of the village. Among other things, he took us to the neighbouring village, Hardaspur, to visit with 3 more cousins, plus one visiting from Canada.

Tokhi also took us to the house where I was born, which was rebuilt in the mid-70’s. It is now owned by my Aunt, Chachi Gejo, who lives in Richmond. It is located at what seems to be the highest point in the village. Some photos of the views from there are attached. Also attached is the photo of a little boy we saw up there, who reminds me of my nephew Gene, when he was a little guy.

There are also some photos of wheat fields. My mother’s land is still farmed under lease to others, and is currently planted mostly with wheat. Some photos attached. Also a photo of me eating a wonderful fresh piece of “saag” (a mustard family green) directly from the field. Delicious!

Fuel in India is of many types. The last photo is of traditional village fuel – hand made cow patties. They are still burned for warmth, cooking, and the like.


Heather A. Knox said...

WOW!!! What amazing photos. These really made me "homesick" for India in a big way. I love the colours and can almost smell the country from these shots! And I REALLY enjoyed hearing about your experience of returning to your village, Surrinder. Beautifully relayed to us readers. It would have been amazing to be a part of that. I am imagining it must be kind of sad to leave. ??? We are enjoying another glorious Vancouver day here. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Heather xoxo

binder said...

hi ........s s a ji..mera pind aa ji's really nice....n thx to all the persons...who stand my village at world class lvel....

Shamir said...

Akashji - you are most welcome. Your village is a wonderful place. Glad you enjoyed the photos.


binder said...

shamir bhaji-sat sri akaal ji......thx 4 the reply of my comment....n...when u 'll get free...plz reply me...on my every comment
.........ok t...c..
but never say byeeeee......